Insurable Interest – Note that in many cases either the buyer or the seller is not obligated to provide insurance. 可保利益&注重,在多数情况下,不是买方就是卖方没有办理保险的义务。
The Application of Insurable Interest Principle in Judicial Practice of Marine Insurance 保险利益原则在海上保险司法实践中的适用
An insurance contract is null and void if the applicant has no insurable interest in the subject matter of the insurance. A valued policy insures subject matter for an agreed value. 投保人对保险标的不具有保险利益的,保险合同无效。已估价保险单的保险标的价值已(被双方)约定。
At common law an insurance contract is not enforceable unless the insured has an insurable interest in the subject matter of the contract. 按照普通法,只有当投保人对保险合同的标的具有可保险利益时,保险合同才有强制性。
However, both the seller and buyer should be aware that they may have insurable interest in the goods and prudence dictates purchase of insurance coverage. 然而买卖双方应该明白,在货物上有可保利益,基于谨慎原则要购买保险。
The owner of insurable property has an insurable interest in respect of the full value thereof, notwithstanding that some third person may have agreed, or be liable, to indemnify him in case of loss. 尽管在发生损失的情况下,某些第三者可能已同意或有义务赔偿其损失,保险财产的所有人对其财产的全部价值有保险利益。
Policy-holder is right insurable of mark have insurable interest, to the underwriter application concludes insurance contract, have the person of obligation of delivery insurance premium. 投保人是对可保标的具有可保利益,向保险人申请订立保险合同,并负有交付保险费义务的人。
An insurance contract without an insurable interest to support it is invalid and any claim made upon it will not be entertained. 没有可保利益的保险合同是无效的。而任何根据这类合同提出的索赔都不会被受理。
The master or any member of the crew of a ship has an insurable interest in respect of his wages. 船舶的船长或任何船员,就其薪酬具有可保权益。
1 in order to recover under this insurance the Assured must have an insurable interest in the subject-matter insured at the time of the loss. 为了根据本保险索赔,在保险标的损失当时被保险人必须具有某种可保利益。
Subject to the provisions Of this Act, every person has an insurable interest who is interested in a marine adventure. 根据本法各条规定,与海上冒险有利益关系的每一个人具有可保利益。
The lender of money on bottomry or respondentia has an insurable interest in respect of the loan. 船舶抵押借款或船抵押借款的款人,就其款具有可保益。
The individual policyholder must have an insurable interest. 个人保险客户必须拥有保险利益。
To tame the rampant excessive speculation in the derivatives markets, it is sufficient to require that at least one of the parties involved in a derivatives transaction has an insurable interest. 若要控制衍生品市场中投机行为的过度猖獗,只须提出下面的要求:参与衍生品交易的双方至少有一方的利益可以得到保险。
Amendment on the insurable interest principle in China ′ s Insurance Law 论保险利益原则在我国保险立法中的修订与完善
Marine Insurance is an ancient system of Insurance, Insurable Interest, constituting the main condition of the contract of Marine Insurance. 海上保险是一种迂腐的保险制度,可保优点在海上保险制度中饰演着紧张的脚色,它是组成海上保险条约的重要条件。
The assured has an insurable interest in the charges of any insurance which be may effect. 被保险人对其应支付的保险费具有保险利益。
A wife would have an insurable interest in her husband's life. 妻子在她丈夫的生活里有可保权益。
What risk is covered by a fpa policy? The insurer under a contract of marine insurance has an insurable interest in his risk, and may re-insure in respect of it. 海上保险合同中的保险人对其承保的风险有保险利益,并可将有关风险再保险。
Issue of insurable interest in insurance contract for carriage of goods by sea; 人身保险利益在保险的法理和实务中都具有重要的意义。
In marine insurance, the insured must have an insurable interest in subject matter, otherwise, the policy is void. [摘要]海上保险中,被保险人对保险标的应当具有可保利益,否则,保险合同无效。
The insurable interest of the insured is lost; 被保险人丧失保险利益;
Insurable interest is the interest that the law requires the insured to have in the thing or person insured. 保险利益是投保人或被保险人与保险标的之间的法律上的关系。
Anyone having an insurable interest in a shipment may take out ocean cargo insurance. Specific goods are goods that are in existence, able to be identified and agreed upon at the time the contract is made as being the goods that are the subject of the contract. 任何对特定货物享有保险权益的人应该能出示相关的海运货物保险凭据。特定物是存在的,在货物买卖合同定立时可被确认为合同标的物的货物。
If the applicant has no insurable interest to the subject matter of insurance, the insurance contract will be null and void. 保险利益决定保险合同的效力问题,投保人对保险标的不具有保险利益的,保险合同无效。
Their use ought to be confined to those who have a insurable interest in the bonds of a country or company. 监管机构应限定它们的使用范围,仅允许对某国或某家公司债券拥有可保权益的人利用这种工具。
It is a pity that our law of admiralty has not provided any principle of insurable interest. 但令人遗憾的是,我国《海商法》对保险利益原则并未加以规定。
Insurable Interest and the Determination in Marine Cargo Insurance 保险利益及其在海运货物保险中的判定
In chapter three, I have defined the international cargo insurable interest. 在第三章中,对国际海运货物保险利益进行了定义。
Oppugns the provisions in insurance laws of our country on subject matter insured, double insurance and insurable interest. 并对我国保险立法中关于保险标的、重复保险及保险利益的规定提出了质疑。